Editorial Guidelines

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Contributor Guidelines

We focus on providing high-quality, valuable, and contextual information by adhering to a few guidelines.

  • Overall Style and Tone
    We like to keep our posts friendly, intelligent, and educational. Also, we want your voice and personality to shine through.
  • Word Count
    We like posts between 900 and 2000 words—concise and yet exhaustive with examples, templates, screenshots, worksheets, and action plans.
  • Headlines
    Consider shareable headlines: “How-tos,” “10 Steps to…”, “10 Examples of…”, “Basics of…”. Use a headline that gets the reader’s attention.
  • Layout
    Our readers like articles that can be skimmed through. It is best that you break down your post into readable chunks using sub-headings. Use bold texts to highlight important points for our readers.
  • Linking
    If you find related posts on our site, please do well to link back to them. Kindly note that external links will be nofollow (except the ones we allow based on our discretion) and we reserve the right to remove any link based on our own discretion (no questions asked). We welcome outbound links that improve the overall experience of the reader.
  • Bio
    We will give you a 50-word bio at the bottom of your guest post. In your bio, you are free to include a maximum of two links (do-follow) back to your personal or company’s website and/or blog posts.
  • Photos
    Every post will require a featured image. We accept pictures of 1200 by 630 pixels. Also, we accept only Creative Commons and other copyright-safe pictures. Ensure you save the picture with the keyword in the headline of your post. You may include additional pictures in between some of the paragraphs.

Publishing Your Post

Once your post is ready, send it over by email to the Woculus editor corresponding with you. His or her email address will be Woculus business email, ending with @woculus.com.

We have a group of editors who will review the content you submit and determine whether or not it may be published. The material will be reviewed for compliance with all of the aforementioned standards, and the blog won’t be published until the editor gives their permission. In the event that the blog is passable in quality but has a few problems, you will be notified and asked to fix the issues. The blog will be published after the modifications are completed. The entire procedure takes five to twelve days. As a result, even if you post a high-quality blog, it may still take one to two weeks for it to appear on the website. You will be notified when this happens.

New Applications

Not yet a contributor? Apply here.

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